Here's one of the highlights of the week:
On Wednesday, Josiah informed us that his car had been stolen. (Josiah is our neighbor...he and his wife Robyn live upstairs and they manage the storage units with us.) Yup, right off BYU campus in broad daylight, his car turned up missing...well, actually, one block south of campus. He called the University Police and filled a report, and, dejected, road the bus back to Spanish Fork. I must admit I was a bit skeptical...who would steal their old Camry with an oil leak, broken rear view mirror, and a car seat holder in the back seat? Why not an Audi, or at least a car few years newer? But he assured us that he parked next to the greenhouse, and that it was gone.
I felt horrible all night, imagining what it would be like without a emergency trips to the grocery store, no way to pick Paul up from the bus, having to bum rides off of everybody. And I also thought of how violated they must feel - knowing that some punk was cruising around in their car. It just made me sad and angry.
I dropped both Paul and Josiah off at the bus station in the morning. He was going to call his insurance company and see exactly what coverage they had. The police also told him that this kind of thing happens a lot - some guy needs to get to the other side of town, so they take a car and it winds up abandoned in a parking lot later in the month. In the meantime, his mom was going to take him to the rental car agency in the afternoon.
So around 5:00, I was going to pick Paul up from school to go climbing. I was a few minutes early, so I thought I'd zig zag up the streets south of campus, just in case. I figured it was a nice gesture. I turned off my regular route onto 7th North, and, looking off onto the first street on the right, I saw a red car that somewhat resembled their car. Upon further inspection, I discovered it was indeed the "stolen" car. Trying not to laugh too hard and amazed that I found it only seconds after beginning my search, I called Robyn, and then Paul. Paul of course couldn't stop laughing at Josiah, thinking that he'll never live down the time when their car was stolen.
Moral of the story: Next time your car turns up missing, make sure that it really
is before you call the police.
And here's a great clip that a friend had on her blog: