Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hot with no AC

My sister called the other day and asked if I had disappeared since my blogging has been greatly neglected. For those of you who still read my blog after such an absence, I am still devoid of the internet. Our housing situation is...trashy. We say, "WE NEED TO FIND A HOUSE!!!" at least three times a day. We've been in our apartment for less than two weeks, and in that time the water hasn't worked two different days, the hot water didn't work for another day, the internet hasn't worked at all, and now the air conditioning has broken. Our house is nearing 90 degrees. That's even getting a little hot for me, who is usually a little cold blooded. So after suffering through a sleepless night last night and a very long, hot Sunday afternoon, we decided to get a hotel room tonight so that we can all get a good night's rest. Thus, I have the internet for the night and am catching up on things.

Good news though...we made an offer on a house! If all goes well, we'll be moving in a few weeks and getting out of our current housing nightmare.

Paul started school and has liked it a lot. He has anatomy right'll last 11 weeks and then he starts biochemistry and cell biology for about 10 weeks (his classes are in blocks like that instead of having 7 classes at a time). So he smells like formaldehyde when he comes home every day and tells me all about his dissections of his overweight cadaver. It's usually pretty foul. I'm just glad we're finally on the road to doctorhood.

Here's a clip from our week at Paul's parents. Hattie loved chasing Tang around the house. She would just look at him and laugh.


Jess said...

I understand the no AC thing...ugh. That is no fun in the heat of Texas summers. Ours was out for FOUR DAYS....and just when we were going to get a hotel, they finally got the part and fixed it. Not a fan of my AC company...

Eden said...

Did the package I sent you ever come in the mail? Just wondering!!! Hope you enjoy it!

Steven and Erika said...

HAHAHAHAHA overweight cadaver. I am laughing my head off while steven is making gagging noises. The fermaldehyde smell is pretty gross getting nauseous remembering lab at school...blah! hope the house works out!

Justin and Crystal said...

Oohh, we lived in such a dump during Med school as well! With a car lot across the street, the fire station down the road, a busy intersection, windows that rattled, urine smelling carpet, and a weak shower you had to hold in your hand. Those were the good ole days. I hope you get your house! =)