Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Easter and more...

I realized today that I haven't blogged in a while, and we've had a lot going on. First, Easter! Neither Paul or I grew up in homes that did a lot typical Easter stuff. My family dyed eggs and talked about the resurrection, but there were no Easter baskets and elaborate egg hunts. After Church the girls and I dyed eggs. They of course loved it and immediately wanted to hide them everywhere. So we had a mini-egg hunt in the house.  

 (note Hattie's French braids...my first attempt ever!)

They were pretty proud of themselves, and soon they were hiding the eggs themselves and having Paul and I hunt for them. Good thing we didn't have a ton of eggs!

Niels has been doing much better. I can't believe he is three months old already. We have been giving him medicine for acid reflux which has done a world of good. It's nice having a baby that doesn't cry all the time!
Paul finished school on April 20th...school really is out forever! We drove to Dallas, dropped the girls off at my in-laws, and hopped on a standby flight to Milwaukee where we spent the next three days looking at house after house. We just put an offer in tonight, so we're crossing our fingers! We loved the city there...we enjoyed 50 degree weather the whole time. Many of you may think we are crazy to be excited to be moving to a place that gets super cold, but after 4 years in Texas where four distinct seasons don't exist, I am ready for a rainy spring, cool autumn, and snowy winter.

Tomorrow we are driving to San Antonio...I figure I had better visit before I leave Texas for the foreseeable future. And besides seeing the Alamo, Sea World, and watching Paul attempt the Four Horseman burger, two of my greatest friends (mission friend Miranda and Ontario friend Jenny) will be driving over from Houston to spend some time together before we move north. Here's crossing my fingers that the kids do well in the car again!

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