Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I feel so many mixed emotions recently. I love living here in Lubbock, mostly because of the amazing friends I have made. They have made Lubbock a wonderful place to live. But the nature of living in a college town means that every year some friends move away. Last year I lost Nicole; on Sunday Julie moved to Idaho. On top of that, Chelsea and Debbie have also announced that they are moving away. And even added to that, our ward was recently divided, scattering my friends and me among 3 different wards. Of course I can still be friends with them, but it certainly will take a little more work. And my new calling will keep me more busy than my old one of Sunday School teacher. I feel so many things. I am so grateful that the Church is growing so quickly here that our stake needed two new wards. I'm glad that my friends' husbands have graduated and are getting an income :) But I am a little fearful of the changes that will inevitably happen. I have always valued friendships. Paul can't believe that I still talk to friends from high school and have roommate reunions. No matter how happy I am for the progress and changes happening in the lives of my friends, I am still sad to see them go, and consequently have our friendship change. I know change is good, but when you are standing on the threshold, it can be a little scary.


Cox Family said...

I didn't know Chelsea is moving too! I feel the same way about change, but I'm grateful for your friendship for sure and I'll be around for a while!

Karli said...

I totally understand this feeling! I hate change in the way of friendships-yet know it's inevitable. I'm grateful we are still friends even though space & time have played factors in our relationship!

Kurt and Kristy said...

I completely agree!! But don't worry we're here for a long time!!

sam and brittney said...

I couldn't agree more!!

Andrea said...

Change is hard, no doubt about it. especially when you have no control over it! The good thing about it is, now you have the opportunity to make even more friends. . .which I know you will!

Melissa said...

I am totally with you about living in a college town. It's hard to constantly have good friends moving away. The good news is that new ones usually come and we make even more friends. Thanks for being a great friend in my life. I cherish our friendship!

Lisa Easton said...

That is one reason I LOVE having 4 sisters :)! What is your new calling?

DebbieD said...

This is so tender and sad! We're REALLY going to miss our life here :,( But we've been here long enough to know that you can count on new friends be moving in this summer ;) I LOVE seeing Ev & Hattie be friends. So sweet.