Tuesday, December 9, 2008

She's a movie star!

I suppose Hattie is just at an age where everything she does is cute. I love capturing her playtime. She can play like this for a long time as long as I am close by.

She's really becoming quite the snuggler.

She has started making a "dgah" sound and we love it.

And watching "Signing Time" every day is finally starting to pay off! She is supposed to pat her leg for dog, but her belly is good enough! She really can sign baby, as well as "mom," "doll," and "bird."


Laura Bernard said...

Wow! She's getting so big! And look at her walking all around! Love the signing. Isn't it just so cute? My boys only sign a few things now that they talk, but I think it's adorable!

Steven and Erika said...

Oh Hatters! You are such a smart girl! Those are fun videos. i love the dgah dgah too! 9-18 months are my favorite months. Before that they are just messy and whiny and after 18 months they are independant and mischievious. I love it all though!

Lisa Easton said...

Mel she has a little budda belly just like you did! I love it.

Erin and Spencer said...

I love this! She is so smart and cute and looks just like you guys!

Jamie said...

Hey Mel, thanks for giving me your blog address... you have a cutie!