Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A dream come true

Randomly one day Paul and I started searching for pianos on Craigslist...and we found one! It needed a good turning, as well as a billion odor-eaters to kill the smoke smell. Gratefully the smell is almost gone and it sounds great. Now the trick is finding time to practice, since Hattie is always right by my side ready to play.

In other news, Hattie and I are heading out to Richmond, Virginia tomorrow for a getaway! I'm meeting up with two of my college roommates to spend the long weekend, and then I'll head to DC for a while to be with Paul's sister, Erika. I'm excited to get out of town, but dreading the 3 hour flight on a completely booked plane. Any suggestions for keeping an 18-month old on your lap for that long?!?


Jess said... suggestion is don't expect to :) But bring lots of snacks, get some little special toys that she's never seen, and books too (if she likes to read them). And maybe some Benadryl...j/k :) Just be happy that it will be over in three hours. I'm sure she'll do great though! (and be glad you're not pregnant and that she has to sit on your lap on a booked plane!! Not the easiest thing to do!)

Heather said...

Congrats on the piano! As for the baby, I've recently had success w/fruit loop necklaces - help her make it, then put it on her and she can munch on it through the ride. Favorite books, new toys, you know the drill.

Justin and Crystal said...

smarties... with a little container to take them in and out.

Peterson's said...

Have fun on your trip! The fruit loop necklace would work great, if Hattie didn't down 30 by the min. HAHA

Jamie said...

Keep her awake before so she can sleep through the flight... good luck.

Carrie Snider said...

Sugary things followed by drugs. :P Little cheap toys wrapped like presents for her to unwrap if she has a meltdown. Prayers that she will sleep!

Jared, Miranda and Max said...

Way to go adventure mom! Even when I have to run errands by myself I get lonely :)

And good deal with the piano! That was actually what I asked everyone for Christmas... money to sponsor a piano purchase. But I've been a lot more slow. Obviously- I still don't have one! Its just that we're not going to be here for long, I need one light weight, but good quality... electronic, etc. So it has involved a bit more research than I had initially anticipated. Sometime soon...