Saturday, March 10, 2018

September Homeschool Activities

I'm not really one to back blog, but I really want to document our months of homeschooling with our Charlotte Mason group.

For our first activity, Elaine found an artist who makes chain mail, and the kids got to try it out. She had a lot of things that she had made that the kids were able to play with and experiment with. I was impressed by the amount of work and TIME that it takes to make!

It was actually a very tedious and time consuming task. First they wound wire around a pencil to make a coil. Then they had to cut all the rings apart. Then they had to open some circles and close others. And last, connect the rings to each other in a design! It was pretty intense. The kids loved it, but I think they knew that it probably wouldn't become their favorite new hobby.

The following Wednesday we went to the Sandia Mountain Natural History Center and had a guided tour through the back side of the mountain. The guide talked about ecosystems, animals, plants, and weather. My mom was in town (to babysit while Paul and I visited Wisconsin for the Tough Mudder) so it was fun to have her along as well. 

Liz organized a tour of a popcorn factory the next week. Of course they loved it!

He actually did pretty well at keep it on his head
The kids watched as it was popped, thrown through a tumbler, and sent up a conveyor belt to be bagged.

There was some serious grabbing going on!
They also showed how they did caramel popcorn to ensure there weren't giant chunks

We went to a nearby park after, like we often do, for lunch

The last week of September we were supposed to go on a desert hike and do a desert painting...but it was terribly cold and windy in the foothills of the Sandias, so we ended up opting for the warmth of Erin's home. She taught the kids about foreground and background, had them draw each section separately with oil pastels, then they added more color with watercolor. 

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