Thursday, March 8, 2018

Tri Training

In January, I signed the girls up for swim clinic at our nearby gym. Twice a week, while they work on swim conditioning, Niels and Anders have swimming lessons. So I hop in the pool too and swim laps with them. I love being back in the water. My friend Julie, who told me about swim clinic in the first place, swims at the same time (since her boys do clinic too). A few weeks into it, she asked, “Do you want to do a triathlon in Shiprock with me?” Since I’ve been successful at losing baby-weight and am feeling like I’m kind of getting fit again, I thought I’d love the challenge.

Now, 2 months later, I own a sweet road bike...I figured this is my 4th triathlon, so it’s probably a justifiable expense. I also bought some tri shorts and a tri tank. I swim twice a week, and have been riding the stationary bike in the garage as much as I can (I’ve only had the real bike 5 days). I still haven’t started running too much, but I’ve bought a few pairs of shoes to see which will feel best now that I’m back to normal.

I always do a pretty brutal Jillian Michaels work out in the morning before 7:00, so all of this triathlon training is workout #2 every day. Honestly, most days I’m beat. Today I went to a swim class at the pool, after doing an intense cardio workout an hour earlier. I finally learned how to do flip turns (!) but I felt like I was swimming through Jell-o. My arms were dead. And yesterday Julie and I rode 13.5 miles...and I am terribly saddle sore. But doing the Jillian work outs have made me so much stronger; I have decent endurance and figure I can survive through 500 yards swim, 12 miles bike, and 3 miles run.

It really is fun to have something like this to work toward. I have probably been neglecting the house and kids a bit to squeeze in that second work out, but it is so rewarding to do something physically challenging.

 (the boys hang out in the garage at 6:30 am while I ride the bike)

1 comment:

Julie Barnes said...

I can't wait to do my first triathlon with you!!!! I am a little scared and a lot excited!