Thursday, July 30, 2009

Anna Isabelle

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. Sorry to keep you all in suspense, but things got really busy for a while, on top of our computer having internet problems. So here's the story:

Saturday and Sunday in labor/delivery continued as normal - watching the baby's heart rate for any decelerations. Monday morning, July 27th, around 5:00 am, I starting having more consistent contractions (they had been irregular for the last week). I started getting excited after three hours that they were regular. Then they stopped for a few hours...then started up again. And it was starting to get quite uncomfortable for me. Around 3:00 pm the doctor decided to check my cervix to see if I was dilating at all, and therefore, truly in labor. If I was, then I could get an epidural and have the baby. Sadly, I was only dilated to 1/2 centimeter. But the doctor noted that he couldn't feel the baby's head pressing down on the cervix. So he ordered an ultrasound. Sure enough, during my week on bed rest, the baby had flipped and was now breech. Regardless of how long I labored, unless she flipped again in the next few hours, I wouldn't dilate very much and would have a hard time delivering. And because there was essentially no amniotic fluid left, trying to manipulate the baby to turn was out of the question. So it was off to the operating room with me again for another c-section. Everything went great and our daughter was born at 4:30 pm.

Anna Isabelle weighed 5 lbs 1 oz, measured 17 3/4 inches long, and has some dark hair on her head. Besides her low weight, she is perfectly healthy. She is in the NICU right now, and they are watching her weight gain, as well as her blood sugar levels. As soon as she proves that she can eat well and gain weight, she can come home with us.

My mom continues to watch Hattie for us while I spend my days at the hospital to feed Anna - I couldn't ask for a better grandma for my children. And Paul is preparing to return to Texas since school starts this coming Monday. We pray that Anna is released soon so that we can be together again as a family. Thank you for all your support and prayers.


Stephen, Britney, Ellie, Lila, Andrew, & Marcus said...

CONGRATULATIONS! She is beautiful. Best wishes for a quick recovery and a safe trip home. :) Britney

LadyCarma said...

Adorable. What a perfect name for a little girl. Darling hair. Is that a little birthmark by her mouth? Beauty mark, right? Still praying for you. Hope the recovery goes fast.

Heather said...

Hope everything continues to go so well. I'm so happy for you guys!

Julianne said...

Congrats Melanie! For 33 weeks--that is still a good sized baby. That is great! So glad everything is turning out okay.

Peterson's said...

Im glad that things are going well. You all have been on our minds a lot. I hope you are able to join Paul soon because I know how hard it would be to not have a husband to be there with you, and hard for him too! We can't wait to meet little Anna and Callie misses Hattie!

Nancy and Spencer said...

Kaden sees Anna's pictures and asks me, "Mama, hold that baby? Please, go see that baby?" :)
I'm glad everything is going well... especially considering she came early. I hope you all get to go home soon.

The Jessups said...

Ooooh she is BEAUTIFUL!!! Looks at those precious cheeks. I'm glad things are going well. I've been thinking about you all! Hope she gains weight well so you all can be together.

Borland family said...

Congratulations and Good Luck! She's ADORABLE!!!My niece was born at just over 5lbs and she was full term! If that's the worst, you're REALLY blessed.

Marcee said...

She is just so beautiful! I am so happy that things worked out and that you will be able to take her home soon! 5 pounds is really good. We were at the temple yesterday and I had a really strong impression to add your name to the prayers roll. We will continue to pray for you and your family.

sam and brittney said...

Congrats! What a beauty!! I am soo glad that everything has gone so well. Can't wait until you guys are back in Lubbock!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Your baby looks healthy and beautiful! She is a good size 34 weeker. I know she will gain wt soon and you will all be on your way back to Texas!

The Beers said...

YAY!!!! I am so glad all is well. She is a CUTIE!! Congratulations!! :)

Jess said...

She is so beautiful! I'm so happy that she is healthy and doing well. I pray you get to bring her home SOON!!!

Keesha n David Brown said...

Melanie! Your new baby is beautiful! I am so glad that everything went so well. And what a beautiful name for such a precious little baby girl. Love it!